Holiday Break

We took some time out in January to visit Japan. Highlights included: – One week stay with our Japanese missionary friend – Visiting 7 Pokemon Centres / Stores – Mt Fuji on a clear day – Visiting the new Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea and going on Anna and Elsa’s Frozen Journey

There’s a few things happening on the council-front, so I’ll cover those in the next few posts.

Chanukkah on the Green

This week we were joined by Julian Leeser MP, cr_christine_kay and Councillor Robert Samuel – Willoughby at our annual Chanukkah at the St Ives Village Green. There were all sort of festivities including fireworks to celebrate the Jewish people?s freedom from oppression in 2nd Century BC.

Chabad North Shore

Chanukah at Council Chambers

Each year at council chambers we hold a Chanukah ceremony and for the second year running we also have a Menorah displayed outside. We do this as a symbol of our ongoing friendship and support of the Jewish community here on the North Shore.

Chanukah is an annual festival commemorating Israel’s freedom from oppression in the 2nd Century BC. It continues to be celebrated today with this year’s festival starting from 25th December to 2nd January.

Also celebrated each year is our annual Chanukah on the (St Ives Village) Green, organised by Chabad North Shore and sponsored by Council. It’s a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with shows, rides, games, entertainment, arts and craft, faceprinting, Menorah lighting and fireworks. Hope to see you there, and for more information visit.

Year 12 Results

For Year 12 students receiving their results today, it?s important to remember that this one number doesn?t control the rest of your life. There are other ways to get where you need to go, and a rewarding career doesn?t necessarily have to come from attending university either. I?m happy to meet up and chat if you want someone to listen to you or to kick ideas around.

If you know a Year 12 student who is feeling down, please give them the support that they need.

Tree of Joy

Seeking your help with bringing Christmas Joy to our seniors.

Each year since 1999, the Rotary Club of St Ives, NSW – District 9685 helps the community meet the Christmas gift requests of our nursing home residents.

My two older kids and I visited the tree last night to read the requests and select someone to share kindness.

There?s still over 100 requests hung up on the tree, so please visit (outside Bed, Bath & Table) and help out. Gifts are due back by 20 December 2024.

We also took a quick trip to the Return & Earn.

Quick Update

Some residents have noticed that my social media activity has dropped off in recent weeks, and have been asking how I’ve been. Yes I’m ok but have been preoccupied with other priorities – explanation below.

First of all we’re currently dealing with some family medical/health issues and what that means is that it has been far more time consuming for the last few weeks as well as the next few weeks. We are ‘sandwiched’ so to speak, simultaneously caring for the older generation (driving them to medical, providing food, looking after other logistics at home) as well as caring for three kids. It’s very time consuming, and I can see the benefits of council providing residents with the option of multi-generational homes (either a single large home, or dual occupancy).

Secondly, I’ve also been on the search for work. I previously had to quit my dayjob at Origin to serve as Mayor so now I need to find something else to pay the bills and the mortgage. There’s been a few close calls but I haven’t landed that new job yet. And for each opportunity, I need to do proper due diligence to put my best foot forward. If you know anyone who is looking for my skillset, feel free to put me in touch.

In the meanwhile there’s been a few things going on at Ku-ring-gai and when I get the chance I’ll post about them soon.

Apologies if there are some delays to answering your queries. If it’s a simple query, I can quickly attend to or flick it on. But if it’s a very complex matter which involves detailed investigation or a curated response, it’s going to take me longer to get to it. Councillors don’t have dedicated support staff to handle these matters.

Christmas Carols at St Barnabas

Come join us for Christmas Carols at St Barnabas Roseville.

Saturday 7th December 5-8pm with food stalls, face painting, craft, jumping castle, carols and a Christmas message.

We also have Christmas services on Sunday 22nd December and Wednesday 25th December.

Remembrance Day

Remembering those who gave up their lives so that we can enjoy our freedoms in Australia today.

Encouraged by the attendance of those who served as well as the attendance of our future generations.

Lest we forget.

[I also laid a wreath on behalf of Matt Cross MP.]

Social Media Policy

Hi Everyone, I recently received an email from a concerned resident claiming that one of the comments posted on my social media profile is defamatory.

Technically I don?t think the comments were actually defamatory but the emotions and sentiments have the same effect and these human impacts matter.

Back in 2021, there was a High Court decision that made administrators of social media pages personally liable for any defamatory comments posted on their page, even if the comments are posted by a third party. This places social media administrators in an awkward position because if they take it seriously, they need to be vigilant over every single comment that is made on their page – or they need to shutdown their page.

It is extremely difficult to do perfectly because we are not awake and available online 24/7.

I know that with some recent posts about housing, emotions have run high and various people have made all sorts of comments. I thank you for your engagement. But just to play it safe I’ve decided to hide various comments if they target or name individuals. I might even close off individual posts from further comments. I hope you understand.

I do anticipate that in the coming weeks there will be an escalation of commentary in the housing space when our council staff reveal the alternate TOD scenarios that they have been preparing. I am keen to keep you on top of the latest news, and let?s keep our comments constructive.

Storytime at Ku-ring-gai Library

Since I’m currently under-employed, I’ve had free time to do things like visit Storytime at Ku-ring-gai Library.

Weekly sessions are held at Lindifeld, Gordon, St Ives and Turramurra Library and they cater for different age groups (0-12 months, 1-3 years, 3-5 years). The session I attended had 4 bubs and their parents, and we read through stories, had sensory experiences, and sang various songs to help our kids learn different words.

Best of all, it’s free! Thanks to our library staff for organising this.

For more information visit

Nominations for Citizen of the Year

Nominations are open for Ku-ring-gai’s 2025 Local Citizen of the Year Awards, and you can recognise someone for their awesome contribution to our community by putting their name forward.

Award categories include ? Citizen of the Year (25 Years +) ? Young Citizen of the Year (16-25 Years) ? Environmental Citizen of the Year (Individual, Organisation, Schools or Group) ? Mayor?s Award for an Outstanding Contribution by an Individual or Community Organisation

Nominations close Sunday 8 December 2024, after which Mayor Kay and the selection panel will be involved in choosing the winners.

The winners will be announced on Australia Day, and we look forward to meeting them!

For more info visit

Fri Oct 11, 2024 07:07 AM

According to the SMH and ABS, with my degrees in Software Engineering and Accounting I should live in Parramatta! Or East Lindfield…

Basically they’re saying Accountants make the largest group in most of our suburbs at Ku-ring-gai, with Sales Assistants dominating St Ives and North Turramurra, and Sales and Marketing Managers in West Pymble.

It’s a bit of a simplistic analysis, but what are your thoughts?

Everglades House

This week it?s a trip to the Blue Mountains including Everglades House & Garden.

We are sworn in to Council tonight and the work begins in earnest under a new team.

After these school holidays I will also need to find a day job or start a business, and am just pondering next steps.

Post Election Update

It’s been a quiet period where former Councillors are taking time off to rest while the election results slowly trickle in.

I’ve taken some time off…. We had a church camp where one of our kids picked up gastro and the last few days have been resting at home. Another kid joined girl guides and we’ve setup a playpen for the little one as she’s starting to propel forward and likes to explore.

I’ve been helping various residents with queries – mostly linked to tree issues, parking fines, stormwater issues, North Turramurra traffic problems, etc. This is despite none of us getting paid for the next three weeks, so it’s on an entirely voluntary basis.

I also attended the volunteer of the year awards (picture with Peter Tate, President of the Kissing Point Sports Club where I am the inaugural patron).

Plus I packed up the Mayoral office in a box and moved out, ready for the next Mayor of Ku-ring-gai to settle in. The robe has been dry-cleaned for a fresh start.

At the moment the Roseville Ward result is still too close to call. I know I am in but whether the second councillor is Alec or Kath it is not yet known and depends on the preferences. My prediction is Alec will end up ahead by around five hundred votes but that’s assuming that the vast majority of voters who went below the line chose the status quo by doing 1 Sam 2 Alec. We won’t find out until next week.

Depart Exhibition – Ian Fleming

Last night I visited Depart gallery at 350 Pacific Highway Lindfield for the opening of an exhibition featuring Ian Fleming’s work. Ian works primarily in oil, depicting the Australian Landscape. It’s well worth a visit, and you may perhaps even consider purchasing.

KNA and Golden Bakehouse

Yesterday before pre-poll I popped over at Ku-Ring-Gai Netball Association for their 10 and 11 year old Grand Finals presentations.

After that I had breakfast at the Golden Bakehouse – arguably some of the best pies in Ku-ring-gai! Council also happens to be doing Spring Flowers at South Turramurra this year so it was especially cheerful.

Donating Blood Saves Lives

I was planning to donate plasma today but ended up donating whole blood as they said they were desperately short of it.

Not sure if that’s a good idea right before an election, but we’ll make it work somehow.

If you are a healthy adult I encourage you to visit the Red Cross at Chatswood to donate blood. It’s a pretty straightforward process and they give you some snacks afterwards. Each blood donation can help up to 3 people in need.

West Pymble Venturers

Last night I visited the West Pymble Venturers where the theme was ‘Mayor for a Night’ and ‘Venturer for a Night’.

The Venturers started by asking questions about what could be done at Council and why. Can we hold more concerts at Bicentennial Park? Install more bubblers? Remove Speed Humps on Livingstone? Create more pedestrian crossings? We also talked about the Youth Advisory Committee with applications closing 13th September. I said that even if they don?t get included in the committee, they should stay on the mailing list as there may be opportunities for youth to participate in local projects.

Then we switched over to Venturer topics. We practiced lighting fires with flint, tied some knots, and played a ‘stick game’.

I was glad to visit the Venturers and encouraged them to continue thinking about community service. It?s probably my last visit as Mayor but I said they are still welcome to reach out in future if they needed anything.

‘The Curse’

Yesterday I joined councillors from across Sydney to attend a community event in the city. At this event, the well meaning organisers gave us ‘the curse’…. A bottle of wine!

Each councillor handles these things differently. I normally decline gifts but in this particular context it was very rude to reject the gift so I took it back to council and filled in a declaration form this morning. The bottle can be purchased for $8.95 at Dan Murphy’s but in the declaration form I’ve chosen to surrender the bottle and requested that staff donate it to charity or some other cause.

Please don’t give us councillors these things. Please let us focus on serving the public undistracted..

Is St Ives part of the Northern Beaches?

Yesterday my name was mentioned in one of the media outlets with regard to the proposed Federal boundaries redistribution process so I want to make it completely clear as to why my name was mentioned and how I was involved.

Last week on Monday 12th August I was contacted both by Paul Fletcher Liberal MP for Bradfield and Dr Sophie Scamps Teal MP for Mackellar with regard to a public hearing that the Australian Electoral Commission was hosting. At this public hearing, the electoral commission amongst other things wanted speakers to talk about “electoral division(s) in which the suburbs of St Ives and St Ives Chase are located”.

Apparently, some other people in Sydney’s North had this strange idea that St Ives was part of the Northern Beaches and were suggesting that St Ives and St Ives Chase should be moved from Bradfield to Mackellar.

Given my great deal of respect for both of these MPs from different parties, as well as my personal conviction that St Ives is part of the North Shore, I was glad to oblige and speak on the matter.

My speech, which I delivered on Wednesday 14th August at around 11:15am, is copy and pasted below. A copy of the transcript will be available on the Electoral Commission website at a later point in time.

I am the Mayor of Ku-ring-gai which starts from Roseville in the south to Wahroonga in the North, and from West Pymble to the West to St Ives in the East.

I have been a resident of these suburbs for the last 37 years, and attended schools in Roseville and St Ives.

I have also been a resident of the electorate of Bradfield for these last 37 years, and it’s a great community.

One thing that really defines us as a community is our proximity to both the Pacific Highway and the North Shore Train Line, which serves as our connection to the outside world. Whether we live right on the transport line in suburbs like Lindfield, Gordon and Wahroonga, or whether we live in the outskirts like East Lindfield, West Pymble or St Ives, we always flock to the North Shore to connect to the outside world.

Geographically, our community is also defined by the Lane Cove National Park to the West which separates us from Ryde Council and Bennelong, as well as the Garigal National Park to the East which separates us from the Northern Beaches Council and Mackellar. The geographic features physically and psychologically separate us from the residents and shops of the other electorates.

When I speak to residents in St Ives, their connection is with the North Shore line and its nearby suburbs. They will go to Pymble, Gordon, Killara and Turramurra to park their cars and commute to work or weekend activities. They will also flock to our town centres along the North Shore line for goods, services, and community events.

St Ives residents consider themselves part of the North Shore and have little connection with the Northern Beaches, and to seek Federal Representation they aren’t going to travel all the way to Narrabeen. They would rather keep it local.

If you look at our local community service organisations such as Rotary and Lions, they also have a strong history together.

The Rotary Club of St Ives regularly supports the other Rotary clubs of Ku-ring-gai, Turramurra, Wahroonga, and Chatswood on jointly run events such as the Bobbin Head Cycle Classic, the Wahroonga Village Fair and Lindfield Fun Run. I have never heard of them running joint events with Rotary clubs beyond the geographic divide.

Likewise when I assist the St Ives Lions club with their youth of the year program, the students who apply are ones within the East and West geographic boundaries. They are from North Turramurra, Wahroonga, Killara, and Roseville. We don’t have applicants from the Northern Beaches.

When you look at social media, St Ives has a strong connection to our local Ku-ring-gai and Bradfield suburbs. We have the St Ives Community Page as well as the Gordon, Killara and St Ives Community Group. And when you look at the posts, they all relate to activities and events that that occur in the Ku-ring-gai LGA and Bradfield Electorate. They hardly mention the Northern Beaches or Mackellar.

At Bradfield we embrace our connection to the world via the North Shore Line, whereas those people in the Northern Beaches and Mackellar are a completely different tribe. They value their seclusion and geographic inaccessibility from the rest of Sydney.

As Mayor, I also see the benefits of having LGA’s that align with State and Federal Seats where possible.

When it comes to resident queries, I often receive questions that relate to Federal matters and I refer them to the member of Bradfield. But unfortunately with State matters I have to check the resident’s address as the State seat of Davidson covers 85% of Ku-ring-gai and I have to determine whether the query goes to Davidson or Wahroonga.

I also appreciate the AEC’s proposed redistribution because when it comes to the North Shore, it respects LGA boundaries and makes a lot of sense.

The Federal Member for Bradfield no longer has to spread himself across citizenship ceremonies, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, and community events across three LGAs. Instead, he dedicates his time to representing the people of Willoughby and Ku-ring-gai. Meanwhile the suburbs of Asquith and Waitara rejoin their other Hornsby Council communities in the seat of Berowra.

The AEC’s proposal also means the Federal Member for Mackellar can focus her efforts on the Northern Beaches Council without having to traverse the geographic divide for events with Ku-ring-gai and the forgotten people of St Ives.

Further south, the AEC’s proposal also largely aligns with LGA boundaries and that makes it much simpler for pre-established community groups to know that if they belong to the same LGA, they also belong to the same Federal Electorate.

Thank you for listening to me. As Mayor I care deeply for our community including the residents of St Ives, and I know that they would like to be represented by someone who lives and breathes the North Shore.

Graduation Day

Glad to graduate today after six years part time studying Master of Laws in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development, and Master of Business Administration at UNSW.

I started the journey because I wanted to better serve you in Local Government, and I have learnt a lot along the way. I have appreciated the insights into running large and innovative organisations, and have been equipped to lead this year?s conversation as we consider what it means to appropriately support future generations while respecting heritage and the environment.

It?s been a long journey including a year off during Covid. One highlight was the opportunity to go on exchange and study planning and development at Oxford, but unfortunately during a lockdown that meant classes on Zoom ?.

The studies have been very intense. Now that it is over I can focus even more on serving the community and spending time with family.

Public Education Week

Happy Friday Everyone!

It’s Public Education Week so I’d like to thank all the awesome teachers, staff, parents and carers, community leaders and P&C associations who play an important role in educating us as well as our kids.

Farewell Linda Scott

Yesterday Councillors from across NSW said farewell to Councillor Linda Scott who has served both as the President of Local Government NSW and the Australian Local Government Association .

What has impressed me all these years about Linda is that as the head of Local Government, she looks after the interest of all councils regardless of their geography or political makeup. She has led advocacy and sometimes even fought with the State and Federal Governments on issues such as financial sustainability, skilling our workforce, and industry representation – and in some instances she has helped to trigger reforms that put the Local Government sector in a better position to serve our communities.

We will dearly miss Linda and wish her all the best with future endeavours. She of all people has earned a well deserved break to spend time with family.

Congratulations Wellness in Motion

Congratulations Jo and the entire team at Wellness in Motion Lindfield for winning the Fitness Service of the Year award.

Jo proudly showed me her studio which caters to all with a range of personalised activities to help them stay healthy and/or recover from a prior issue, without having to face the competitive pressures that come from being in a gym environment. The convenient location next to the train station is also a big plus, with most customers choosing to walk or take public transport.

We also discussed some of the issues that concern local businesses, and I had the opportunity to talk to some of the patrons.

It’s great to see businesses like this thrive (especially after COVID) and we wish them all the best in the coming years.

Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Mayoral Dinner for RFS

Last month, Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai jointly held a dinner for our volunteers from the Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Rural Fire Service, thanking them for their years of service in assisting our residents not just during bushfires but also other extreme weather events, and the education and preparations that lead up to it.

We also had annual awards for the brigades, and I had the opportunity to catch up with the volunteers for Ku-ring-gai and Killara Rural Fire Brigade . Killara in particular were excited to open their new headquarters soon.

Also in attendance were (in the bottom left image) Crs Simon Lennon, Christine Kay, Kim Wheatley, Martin Smith and Barbara Ward.

July Citizenship Ceremony

Great to welcome 80 new citizens to Ku-ring-gai in July.

Special thanks to Barry Fear for being our special guest and giving a speech on what it means to be Australian (more on that in the next post) as well as the Ku-ring-gai Ranger Guides for helping out.

In attendance were also (in the photo from left to right) Matt Cross MP , Councillor Barbara Ward, Councillor Cedric Spencer and Councillor Simon Lennon.

Barry Fear – Cerebral Palsy Alliance

At the July Citizenship Ceremony we had the privilege of having Barry Fear speak to the new citizens about what it means to be part of Australian Society. We really appreciated the time that he spent with us, though it was short and I asked if I could catch up with him afterwards.

This week a Council staff member and I visited Barry at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance: St Ives Lifestyles Centre. He showed us around the facilities and shared about his passion for advocacy.

He also has a YouTube channel that he wants all of you to follow. Please visit and the link below and click on subscribe.

Local Business of the Year Awards

Glad to see so many of our local businesses win the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Local Business of the Year Awards.

@bobbinheadbakery – Bakery / Cake Business of the year Wellness in Motion Lindfield – Fitness Service of the year Wahroonga Flower Shoppe – Florist of the year Kanak Kiran – Antiques, Arts, Crafts and Gifts of the year McDonald’s Pharmacy – Pharmacy of the year KX Pilates Turramurra – New Business of the year The Pymble Grind – Fast Food / Takeaway of the year Kipling’s Garage Bar – Hotel / Bottle Shop / Bar of the year Century 21 Masterpiece – Real Estate Agency AND Business of the year The Village Vet – Pet Care of the year

In attendance of the awards ceremony last night were Cr Simon Lennon , Cr Barbara Ward, Councillor Martin Smith , Councillor Kim Wheatley , Cedric Spencer and @CDeputy Mayor of Ku-ring-gai, Cr Christine Kay as well as Alister Henskens MP and our colleagues from Hornsby Council.f

Ku-ring-gai Art Society Annual Art Awards

Congratulations to Glenda Borg for her painting of a Scribbly Gum and winning the Silver Jubilee prize at the Ku ring gai Art Society 57th Annual Art Awards Exhibition.

She said that it was a pleasant surprise and that she had no idea that she would win.

I shared with her my reasons for choosing her work as the winning entry. Not only was it good, but it reminded me of another Scribbly Gum that we once had.

National Tree Day

As part of National Tree Day, residents had the opportunity to plant 500 trees at St Ives Showgrounds. It was encouraging to see so many involved, young and old.

In attendance were Crs Kay and Ward, and I know that Cr Smith and others also attended later in the day.

Ku-ring-gai Rotary Changeover

Last month at the Ku-ring-gai Rotary Changeover dinner, I joined Anthony Rigney from KYDS Youth Counselling and Elizabeth Lovell from Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney in (unexpectedly) receiving Honourary Memberships in recognition of the partnerships that our organisations have with the Rotary Club of Ku-ring-gai.

Ku-ring-gai Rotary has actively been in service for over 60 years and their members support the community through fundraising efforts such as the Lindfield Fun Run, the Gordon Markets, and the Bobbin Head Cycle Classic.

In 2023 they raised and distributed over $100,000 to local charities such as KYDS and Lifeline as well as other causes such as the National Centre for Childhood Grief, the Early Education Toy Library, Dreams 2live4., and a project in the Pacific Islands. They also donated funds for a picnic shelter defibrillator at West Pymble and co-ordinated the dementia friendly cafe at West Pymble.

They would welcome anyone to join their efforts and you can find out more about them on their website or call Malcolm Braid on 0400 528 604.

Ku-ring-gai Art Society Exhibition

The Ku ring gai Art Society is currently hosting its 57th Annual Art Awards Exhibition at St Ives Shopping Village . The exhibition is open from now through to 4th August 2024 and displays works (for sale) from many of our local artists.

As a sponsor, Ku-ring-gai Council has the opportunity to award the ‘Silver Jubilee’ prize so earlier this week, I asked my assistant to come along and help with the selection process.

Welcome Here Project

This month, residents had the opportunity to hear from and meet Benjamin Law, an Australian author who shared about his experiences with growing up as an immigrant in regional Queensland and then later coming out as gay. His book The Family Law was also adapted to TV for SBS.

The event also doubled up as Council’s official launch of the ‘Welcome Here’ Project, where stickers are used at some of our community buildings to remind members of the LGBTIQ community that they are welcome in our community. The initiative was driven by local resident Alex Free and our local Councillor Alec Taylor as it is a matter that close to both of their heart.

I’ve personally been reflecting on what it means for Australia to be a multicultural, diverse and tolerant society which as councillors we represent. One thing that isn’t often said is that while we are learning to become more supportive of specific minority groups as part of this journey, it’s also important to be equally respectful of the views of others who are not part of these defined minorities. To do otherwise would set a double standard, and it’s unfortunate that respect or tolerance is not always reciprocated.

NAIDOC Week at Southern Cross Care

Earlier this month during NAIDOC Week I visited Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT in North Turramurra as they launched their Reflect stage Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

The RAP was advised by Brooke Prentis and we had a smoking ceremony and performances by Beatrice and family members. We also planted a Lemon Myrtle tree which (surprisingly) has a refreshing smell.

Lifeline Book Fair

Through til Sunday we have Sydney’s Biggest Book Fair, raising funds for Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney.

It’s at the Great Hall at Knox Grammar School and there is nearby street parking as well as an under over overflow area.

Great to see so many people here for a good cause, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our local volunteers at Lifeline.

Bring Back the Bears

Many of us grew up following the North Sydney Bears and it was a shame to see them fall off the top tier of competition in the late 90’s.

I recently met with North Sydney Mayor Zoe Baker and Nathan Tilbury – Deputy Mayor Hornsby Shire Council to discuss the latest proposal to bring back the Bears in the form of a venture as the Perth Bears. If successful, this means that the logo and colours are retained, and that our Ku-ring-gai Cubs Rugby League Club have a development pathway to the competition, as well as the possibility of some games held at North Sydney Oval .

You can support the initiatives by becoming a member today (starting from $25 pa).

KPO 40 Year Anniversary NSW Secondary Schools Concerto Competition

Last night I was delighted to attend Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra’s 40 year anniversary NSW Secondary Schools Concerto Competition Finals.

We have a lot of talented high school students and they each have promising careers ahead of them. I especially enjoyed the comraderie and support that they provided each other backstage.

The competition results are available on their website, and photos will become available later once there is consent.

Inaugural Ku-ring-gai Kids Olympics

When I first became Mayor I asked the staff what were we going to do support our athletes during the Paris Olympics.

One of their ideas was Ku-ring-gai’s inaugural Kids Olympics, which we will be running these school holidays with other sporting groups.

Our kids will have the opportunity to try out different sports like triathlon, tennis, football, and table tennis. We wanted to do this to promote awareness of sporting opportunities in the leadup to Paris.

More information is available at

Police Awards Ceremony

Glad to attend the Ku-ring-gai and Hills Police Area Command 2024 Awards Ceremony, where 37 police officers and members of the public were recognised for their contributions to the community.

This was my second time attending such a ceremony and it was encouraging to hear about the bravery of the officers and civilians who have served us.

Ku-ring-gai Artists at Abbotsleigh

Last night as part of our Arts and Cultural Festival I attended the opening of a two week exhibit of Ku-ring-gai Artists at the Grace Cossington Smith Gallery at Abbotsleigh.

On display are works by Eva Barry, Annarie Hildebrand and Alan Tracey. It was good to chat to each of them afterwards to understand what inspired their works.

These works are on display for the next two weeks and they are also on sale. For more information visit

Refugee Week

As part of Refugee Week we listened to the stories of recent migrants as they shared about hardships in their homeland, their journeys to Australia, the challenges of getting refugee status, and their desire to be productive citizens in society.

The event was held at Gordon Baptist and organised by various organisations under the umbrella of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Multicultural Network Interagency.

We found this video to be helpful in introducing some of the issues.

South Turramurra Girl Guides

This week I joined “Happy Helen” to visit the South Turramurra Girl Guides . Helen helped the guides with a sewing lesson and I was there to talk about the role of government and civil service.

Some questions included:

What does council do? How big is Ku-ring-gai?

Favourite part of being a councillor / mayor?

What are those round things on your neck? Are they heavy?

How old are you? Did you plan to do this when growing up? [I didn’t plan on becoming a councillor… I thought I’d end up serving the community at a church… The scouts and guides tend to prepare their people for community service]

How come you chose to join scouts? (Instead of guides) [I grew up with a scout hall across the road so it was an easy choice]

Make Music Day

Apparently it was Make Music Day today so we had a quartet from the Kuringai Youth Orchestra perform at the Lindfield Village Green from 3-4pm.

I only found out about it this week so we weren’t able to widely promote, and we’ll make sure it has a greater profile next year.

Councillor Barbara Ward and I popped by to take a look and it ended up being a good opportunity to talk to local residents… topics that they asked about included the Transport Oriented Development, Heritage Items, and the Lindfield Village Hub.

June Citizenship Ceremony

🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺We welcomed 65 or so new Australian Citizens last night.

It’s great to have them join our wonderful country, and I’m also glad that we’ve finally worked through our Covid-backlog (previously been doing 160 citizens each month).

Practical Solutions to reduce your Power Bill and Carbon Footprint

As part of Ku-ring-gai’s inaugural Net Zero Communities Grant (funded by our Environmental Levy) we sponsored EnergyZE to hold a community event where like-minded people shared tips on how reducing our carbon footprint.

Presentations were made by:

Dr Kate Wilson, a St Ives resident who previously worked as Executive Director for Climate Change and Sustainability under the former NSW Government; Kristen McDonald, a former Roseville Public School student (from my year) who now works as the Mobilisation and Engagement Manager at Rewiring Australia; and

Myself as the Mayor, sharing about Ku-ring-gai’s sustainability initiatives.

Afterwards we answered questions as a panel.

I think Kate and Kristen’s presentations will become available later on the EnergyZE website, and mine is available in the link below.

#NetZeroKuringgai 🏠⚡☀️👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

Country Connection Exhibition

On Friday night we attended the opening of Judith Franklin’s “Country Connection” exhibition at the Ku-ring-gai Art Centre.

Through Art, Judith expresses her culture and life experiences through a range of traditional and contemporary mediums. Her exhibit goes on through to 28 June on weekdays and some of her work is also up for sale. We are also looking into making the exhibit open to public next weekend as well.

For those interested, Judith is also hosting Aboriginal Dot Art Classes these next two Wednesdays. For more information, visit

AEC Proposed Redistribution

Last year, the Australian Electoral Commission said that electoral boundaries had to be redrawn – with NSW losing one seat to WA – to ensure approximately equal representation across Australia (178,000 residents per electorate).

The upcoming ‘redistribution’ triggered really strange proposals from political parties and political aspirants. Each party looked to maximise their own chances of forming government by splitting the seats of their opposition, then assimilating the most favourable polling booths to strengthen their own position.

But these proposals were disappointing because they put their political ambitions before the needs of the people.

In my own submission, I suggested that it made sense for each Local Government Area to be represented by ONE Member of Parliament, rather than for an LGA to be split apart like rags among two or three members. The problem with having multiple MPs for an LGA is that their constituents never get a good deal… they end up with MPs whose attention is divided and who do not have the opportunity to give them the attention they deserve.

So I was very pleased to see the independent committee’s proposed redistribution boundaries when they became publicly available yesterday. The boundaries have been adjusted to now mostly follow LGA boundary lines, and it provides certainty and improved service for (most of) the residents of our eight Northern Sydney Councils.

1️⃣ All Hornsby Council residents are now proposed for the federal seat of Berowra.

2️⃣ The entirety of Ku-ring-gai Council plus the vast majority of Willoughby Council are now proposed for the federal seat of Bradfield.

3️⃣ The entirety of Ryde, Hunters Hill and Lane Cove Council as well as a small sliver of Willoughby are now proposed for the federal seat of Bennelong.

4️⃣ The entirety of North Sydney and Mosman Council are now proposed for the federal seat of Warringah.

Of course, it’s also sad to see that NSW’s slower population growth has led to the loss of one seat (North Sydney) but I am of the view that with population growth we will get it back again next decade.

Boundaries and MPs will continue to change with the seasons, but it’s important to recognise the contribution of each of our local MPs. I have a great deal of respect for each of the incumbents regardless of Liberal, Labor or Teal.

Been a quiet week

I haven’t been active on social media this week because we have multiple sick family members. What started as a restful long weekend up the coast (my first break since January) ended up being a trip to and long wait at Gosford Hospital ED for the little one, and I’ve had to be more hands on with the kids this week.

I understand that half our councillors have been sick this fortnight as well!

As for what’s been happening, we had a well-attended public forum on Tuesday night where we had 16 registered speeches.

On Wednesday I attended the 70th Anniversary and changeover for the Ku-ring-gai Lions as well as the initiation of the Leo Club of Ku-ring-gai. It was encouraging to see so many people prepared to serve their community.

On Thursday I had a meeting with the NSW Local Government Grants Commission where they shared about the process and outcomes of their latest distribution of federal grants across each LGA. I’ll share more about this in a separate post. We also had our quarterly Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

Today I briefly presented at a briefing for the Sydney North Planning Panel and tonight we have the opening of Judith Franklin’s Country Connections solo exhibition at the Ku-ring-gai Art Centre, 5:30-7:30pm. This is part of the Gai-mariagal Festival, celebrating the culture and heritage of First Nations people across this month.

I’ve been trying to keep up with the emails but there’s a bit of a backlog right now. Hoping to sort it out in the coming week.

Pure Brew Gordon

Last month my wife and I had a quiet morning at Pure Brew Co. Gordon. It’s a great place to stop for a drink or a meal, or to study. They even had the UNSW and USYD academic timetables posted on the wall… I’m glad that I’m finished with all that study!

Zeny Edwards

Great to have Dr Zeny Edwards OAM as guest speaker earlier this week at an event hosted by Council and the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society.

Zeny Edwards was previously the president of the National Trust and a Chair of the UN Women NSW Chapter. She has made various contributions to heritage, peacekeeping, and other social cohesion initiatives so it was good to have her with us.

Thanks also to Cr Barbara Ward who played a part in pulling this together.

Street Tree Planting

As part of the street tree planting initiative in Roseville, Council held an event on the weekend where we discussed the importance of trees and shared ideas on how to keep Ku-ring-gai Green. I was joined by Councillor Alec Taylor and Councillor Barbara Ward.

Council was also giving away tree saplings, and I was invited by Paul and Sue to visit their home afterwards to plant two of them.

Happi Burger Lindfield

It’s International Burger Day so I visited Happi Burger Lindfield for their lunch special. Even at 11am it had good patronage from the Coles construction workers across the road. The burger was quite intense! Worth checking out if that’s your kind of thing, though I’d also say take it in moderation along with regular diet and exercise.

It's International Burger Day so I visited Happi Burger Lindfield for their lunch special. Even at 11am it had good patronage from the Coles construction workers across the road.

The burger was quite intense! Worth checking out if that's your kind of thing, though I'd also say take it in moderation along with regular diet and exercise.

St Ives Agricultural Show 2024

Earlier this month I attended the St Ives Agricultural Show with Councillor Martin Smith and Councillor Kim Wheatley .

We looked at the winning entries for this year’s competition. In particular we enjoyed Ethan’s junior entry for novelty cake.

It was a well attended event with plenty of rides and food stalls. The St Ives show runs each year on the third weekend of May so we’ll see you there again 17-18 May 2025.

Earlier this month I attended the @[100057107273906:2048:St Ives Agricultural Show] with @[100026694423632:2048:Councillor Martin Smith] and @[100081079106909:2048:Councillor Kim Wheatley] .

We looked at the winning entries for this year's competition. In particular we enjoyed Ethan's junior entry for novelty cake.

It was a well attended event with plenty of rides and food stalls. The St Ives show runs each year on the third weekend of May so we'll see you there again 17-18 May 2025.

Walangari Sand Painting

As part of the annual Gai-mariagal Festival, we had Aboriginal elder and artist Walangari Karntawarra create a traditional sand painting at the Lindfield Village Green. He shared about his culture and local kids got involved with creating the artwork, which continues to be on display and apparently lasts until it rains.

I was joined by Councillors Simon Lennon, Barbara Ward, Alec Taylor, and Christine Kay (from left to right in picture).

Ku-ring-gai will also be hold other events as part of the Gai-mariagal Festival.

Gordon Library is offering a free screening of the film Lionel Rose on 5 June about the extraordinary rise and fall of Australia’s first indigenous boxing world champion.

The Country Connections exhibition at Ku-ring-gai Art Centre between 14 and 28 June features the work of Darkinjung artist Judith Franklin, who will also host two dot painting workshops at the Centre.

Mudgee-based Indigiearth catering company presents a unique dining experience on 15 June with owner and Ngemba Weilwan woman Sharon Winsor. Along with Australian native food prepared with modern techniques and traditional methods you can enjoy authentic entertainment, musical and cultural storytelling.

For more information visit

As part of the annual Gai-mariagal Festival, we had Aboriginal elder and artist Walangari Karntawarra create a traditional sand painting at the Lindfield Village Green. He shared about his culture and local kids got involved with creating the artwork, which continues to be on display and apparently lasts until it rains.

I was joined by @[759939782:2048:Cr Simon Lennon], Councillor Barbara Ward, @[100075918232069:2048:Councillor Alec Taylor] ,  and @cr_christine_kay (from left to right in picture).

Ku-ring-gai will also be hold other events as part of the Gai-mariagal Festival.

Gordon Library is offering a free screening of the film Lionel Rose on 5 June about the extraordinary rise and fall of Australia's first indigenous boxing world champion.

The Country Connections exhibition at Ku-ring-gai Art Centre between 14 and 28 June features the work of Darkinjung artist Judith Franklin, who will also host two dot painting workshops at the Centre.

Mudgee-based Indigiearth catering company presents a unique dining experience on 15 June with owner and Ngemba Weilwan woman Sharon Winsor.  Along with Australian native food prepared with modern techniques and traditional methods you can enjoy authentic entertainment, musical and cultural storytelling.

For more information visit

Meet Dylan from Lendecon

Meet Dylan from Lendecon. He has identified a problem where we tend to buy equipment and use it once or twice while it sits inactive over 99% of the time. How good would it be if instead of owning the equipment (and committing to the embodied energy / resource used), we can search a directory and borrow from one another?

He has setup a platform to enable this and you can find it at

Meet Dylan from @[61553281002581:2048:Lendecon]. He has identified a problem where we tend to buy equipment and use it once or twice while it sits inactive over 99% of the time. How good would it be if instead of owning the equipment (and committing to the embodied energy / resource used), we can search a directory and borrow from one another?

He has setup a platform to enable this and you can find it at

Event at Bancroft Park

Free sausages and coffee at Bancroft Park Roseville til 12pm. Sorry I should have promoted this earlier but it has been a busy week.

Free sausages and coffee at Bancroft Park Roseville til 12pm.

Sorry I should have promoted this earlier but it has been a busy week.
Free sausages and coffee at Bancroft Park Roseville til 12pm. Sorry I should have promoted this earlier but it has been a busy week.

Visiting 2nd/3rd Lindfield Cub Scouts

Earlier this week I visited the 2nd/3rd Lindfield Cub Scouts where they asked about Local Government, my role as Mayor, and about my own time as a Cub Scout in the 90’s. Some questions include: – What does Council do? – Which day does the garbage get collected? – Favourite part as Mayor? – Least favourite part as Mayor? – Do I enjoy flying? – Favourite activity as a Cub Scout? – What is Damper? – Did I have a woggle? – How can the scouts serve the community?

Earlier this week I visited the 2nd/3rd Lindfield Cub Scouts where they asked about Local Government, my role as Mayor, and about my own time as a Cub Scout in the 90's. Some questions include:
- What does Council do?
- Which day does the garbage get collected?
- Favourite part as Mayor?
- Least favourite part as Mayor?
- Do I enjoy flying?
- Favourite activity as a Cub Scout?
- What is Damper?
- Did I have a woggle?
- How can the scouts serve the community?

ANZAC Day at St Martins Killara

Yesterday, Councillor Simon Lennon and I presented wreaths on behalf of the community at Living Hope Anglican (St Martin’s Killara). It was also good to see the memorial created for Killara residents who gave their lives for our freedom, and hear from the personal experience of residents who had been affected by war.

This morning I will be attending services at Roseville, Wahroonga and Turramurra.

Yesterday, Councillor Simon Lennon and I presented wreaths on behalf of the community at @[100064588543857:2048:Living Hope Anglican] (St Martin's Killara). It was also good to see the memorial created for Killara residents who gave their lives for our freedom, and hear from the personal experience of residents who had been affected by war.

This morning I will be attending services at Roseville, Wahroonga and Turramurra.

Thank You Volunteers

This week, Council held a free movie screening of Fall Guy at the Roseville Cinemas for all of our volunteers who give up their time to support the community, whether it be to respond to extreme weather events, provide care for our elderly and youth, look after our financially or domestically vulnerable, or care for our environment.

While in Roseville I also stopped by at my favourite bakery for a Steak, Chilli Mexican Pie.

This week, Council held a free movie screening of Fall Guy at the @[100063868380258:2048:Roseville Cinemas] for all of our volunteers who give up their time to support the community, whether it be to respond to extreme weather events, provide care for our elderly and youth, look after our financially or domestically vulnerable, or care for our environment.

While in Roseville I also stopped by at my favourite bakery for a Steak, Chilli Mexican Pie.
This week, Council held a free movie screening of Fall Guy at the @[100063868380258:2048:Roseville Cinemas] for all of our volunteers who give up their time to support the community, whether it be to respond to extreme weather events, provide care for our elderly and youth, look after our financially or domestically vulnerable, or care for our environment. While in Roseville I also stopped by at my favourite bakery for a Steak, Chilli Mexican Pie.

Wear it Orange Wednesday

Yesterday was Wear It Orange Wednesday, a national day to thank the tens of thousands of volunteers who serve the community through storms, floods, road crashes, and other first responder incidents. These guys are the true heroes as they freely do it out of genuine care for the community.

Yesterday was Wear It Orange Wednesday, a national day to thank the tens of thousands of volunteers who serve the community through storms, floods, road crashes, and other first responder incidents. These guys are the true heroes as they freely do it out of genuine care for the community.

Transport Oriented Development Parliamentary Inquiry

Yesterday I was invited to visit Parliament House to deliver an opening statement then answer questions at the Transport Oriented Development Parliamentary Inquiry. Although it was not a perfect process, it was encouraging to see this aspect of democracy at work and I’m glad that we had the opportunity to share our experience of recent events.

Yesterday I was invited to visit Parliament House to deliver an opening statement then answer questions at the Transport Oriented Development Parliamentary Inquiry. Although it was not a perfect process, it was encouraging to see this aspect of democracy at work and I’m glad that we had the opportunity to share our experience of recent events.

Lindfield Fun Run

Great weather and an enjoyable run with over 2,000 participating in the Lindfield Fun Run this year, raising funds for KYDS Youth Development Service and Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter.

Great weather and an enjoyable run with over 2,000 participating in the @[100064649686516:2048:Lindfield Fun Run] this year, raising funds for @[100057506479179:2048:KYDS Youth Development Service] and @[100067239740050:2048:Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelter].

Men’s Kitchen Turramurra

Last week I visited the Men’s Kitchen, where their aim is to teach men how to cook.

A typical session involves 10 men and 3 instructors. The men choose what they want to cook from a recipe book and purchase the ingredients beforehand. The instructors provide guidance on the day and then they sit together afterwards to enjoy what they’ve cooked.

It’s a great way for the men to become independent or to provide for loved ones, while also building up a sense of community.

At Ku-ring-gai they meet on Thursdays in Lindfield and Fridays in Turramurra. For more information, contact

Earlier this year, the Men’s Kitchen were the recipients of the Mayor’s Award for an Outstanding Contribution by a Community Group.

Last week I visited the Men’s Kitchen, where their aim is to teach men how to cook.

A typical session involves 10 men and 3 instructors. The men choose what they want to cook from a recipe book and purchase the ingredients beforehand. The instructors provide guidance on the day and then they sit together afterwards to enjoy what they’ve cooked.

It’s a great way for the men to become independent or to provide for loved ones, while also building up a sense of community.

At Ku-ring-gai they meet on Thursdays in Lindfield and Fridays in Turramurra. For more information, contact

Earlier this year, the Men’s Kitchen were the recipients of the Mayor’s Award for an Outstanding Contribution by a Community Group.
Last week I visited the Men’s Kitchen, where their aim is to teach men how to cook. A typical session involves 10 men and 3 instructors. The men choose what they want to cook from a recipe book and purchase the ingredients beforehand. The instructors provide guidance on the day and then they sit together afterwards to enjoy what they’ve cooked. It’s a great way for the men to become independent or to provide for loved ones, while also building up a sense of community. At Ku-ring-gai they meet on Thursdays in Lindfield and Fridays in Turramurra. For more information, contact Earlier this year, the Men’s Kitchen were the recipients of the Mayor’s Award for an Outstanding Contribution by a Community Group.

Mothers Day 2024

Happy Mothers Day! Check out our Mothers Day portraits from students at Lindfield Public, Holy Family Primary, and Reddam. The competition is organised by the Lindfield Chamber of Commerce and the portraits hosted by…

Café Lyon Lindfield Chem Pro Chemist Ciao Down DiJones Lindfield Gelatiamo Jeeves Dry Cleaners Lindfield Print @lindfield_specialty_butcher My Sewing Supplies Ogalo Lindfield Stone Real Estate Swimart Lindfield

Happy Mothers Day! Check out our Mothers Day portraits from students at Lindfield Public, Holy Family Primary, and Reddam. The competition is organised by the @[100068015786689:2048:Lindfield Chamber of Commerce] and the portraits hosted by...

@[100064038067937:2048:Café Lyon Lindfield] 
Chem Pro Chemist
@[100054263150546:2048:Ciao Down] 
@[100070080633885:2048:DiJones Lindfield] 
Jeeves Dry Cleaners
@[100063519582284:2048:Lindfield Print] 
My Sewing Supplies
@[100064304425107:2048:Ogalo] Lindfield
Stone Real Estate
Swimart Lindfield

Media Day

I had four radio, two newspaper, and two television interviews yesterday.

The way it usually works is they ask a bunch of questions and then you only get quoted for a few seconds (TV) or a few sentences (print). So the full message never goes out unless there’s a really smart pre-prepared soundbite.

The media was keen on discussing the unanimous vote on legal action. But on hindsight, I think I should have drawn more attention to our other unanimous vote to explore alternate scenarios for each of the TOD precincts. I did talk about it in most interviews, but I guess that’s not what the media is interested in portraying (with wordcount).

I had four radio, two newspaper, and two television interviews yesterday.

The way it usually works is they ask a bunch of questions and then you only get quoted for a few seconds (TV) or a few sentences (print). So the full message never goes out unless there's a really smart pre-prepared soundbite.

The media was keen on discussing the unanimous vote on legal action. But on hindsight, I think I should have drawn more attention to our other unanimous vote to explore alternate scenarios for each of the TOD precincts. I did talk about it in most interviews, but I guess that's not what the media is interested in portraying (with wordcount).

eBike Trial – Initial Thoughts

My first thoughts on this eight week eBike trial.

1. It makes the hills easy to climb. I would struggle with Tryon, Nelson and Culworth on my push bike but the e-bike makes it effortless.

2. I wish it had indicator signals. Using arms to signal left and right turn is a pain.

3. Still very conscious of sharing the road with cars, and overall safety. Because I’m not moving quickly, I sometimes pull over to let cars pass.

4. Our roads are great for cars but some are not so good for cyclists. Need good wheels and suspension.

5. It takes a lot longer to get to places, but if you have the time it’s a great way to check out the neighbourhood.

My first thoughts on this eight week eBike trial.

1. It makes the hills easy to climb. I would struggle with Tryon, Nelson and Culworth on my push bike but the e-bike makes it effortless.

2. I wish it had indicator signals. Using arms to signal left and right turn is a pain.

3. Still very conscious of sharing the road with cars, and overall safety. Because I’m not moving quickly, I sometimes pull over to let cars pass.

4. Our roads are great for cars but some are not so good for cyclists. Need good wheels and suspension.

5. It takes a lot longer to get to places, but if you have the time it’s a great way to check out the neighbourhood.
My first thoughts on this eight week eBike trial. 1. It makes the hills easy to climb. I would struggle with Tryon, Nelson and Culworth on my push bike but the e-bike makes it effortless. 2. I wish it had indicator signals. Using arms to signal left and right turn is a pain. 3. Still very conscious of sharing the road with cars, and overall safety. Because I’m not moving quickly, I sometimes pull over to let cars pass. 4. Our roads are great for cars but some are not so good for cyclists. Need good wheels and suspension. 5. It takes a lot longer to get to places, but if you have the time it’s a great way to check out the neighbourhood.

Matt Cross MP

Wishing my good friend a speedy recovery. He has been a great representative for our people, and before his time in parliament I have enjoyed my chats with him at the blood donation clinic.

In the interim, any State queries are covered by other MPs who are familiar with our local area.

Flu Vaccinations

Meet Zac from the team at West Pymble Pharmacy and Pymble Pharmacy . They provide walk-in flu vaccinations on most weekdays, just call up in advance to confirm his availability.

It cost me $25 but for residents over 65 it is free.

Meet Zac from the team at @[100094667931538:2048:West Pymble Pharmacy]  and @[100057157492830:2048:Pymble Pharmacy] . They provide walk-in flu vaccinations on most weekdays, just call up in advance to confirm his availability.

It cost me $25 but for residents over 65 it is free.
Meet Zac from the team at @[100094667931538:2048:West Pymble Pharmacy] and @[100057157492830:2048:Pymble Pharmacy] . They provide walk-in flu vaccinations on most weekdays, just call up in advance to confirm his availability. It cost me $25 but for residents over 65 it is free.

Thoughts on eBikes

𝗡𝗼 𝗜’𝗺 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻 𝗨𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗘𝗮𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿. I’ve been researching electric cargo bikes with the intention of taking my kids on school runs and doing other fun stuff. Bikes give you some exercise, take up a lot less space than a car, and are cheaper to run.

But they’re not THAT cheap.

This one here is a Tern GSD S10. If purchased upfront with a whole bunch of accessories it’s about $9,000. Who has that kind of money for a hobby?

I’ve actually been considering something similar at half the price. The Aventon Abound with accessories is about $4,000. I’ve seen the reviews and I reckon it’s just as good if not even better. But there’s one slight problem… it’s not street legal! It has a 750W motor but NSW legislation only allows for 500W / 25kmh motors. And even if you put a speed limiting device on the bike, the power means that it is still breaking the law. [Though I doubt a police officer would ever know your e-bike’s motor output.]

Anyway I’ve been agonizing over it. So many options to buy, all of them so overpriced or illegal, that the decision is too hard to make and I end up doing nothing. I’d rather save the money for a family holiday, or leave it in the mortgage offset account.

If I did get one, perhaps I’d earn the money back through some deliveries.

On a more serious note, I do believe that eBikes will become more common in our TOD precincts when families only have one parking spot and no ability to street park. When I walk around places like Crows Nest I already see bikes everywhere, and it’s going to be similar if we end up with 20,000 new dwellings around four train stations.

As Mayor, I’d therefore want to try one out for an extended period and understand the infrastructure implications (similar to how I was the first councillor to get an EV).

If you search for ‘electric bike hire’ there’s a few options to get a bike for the short term. One such provider is Lug+Carrie which is currently doing a half price eBike ‘trial’ in Ku-ring-gai so I’ll probably end up with them. But I’d encourage anyone interested to do the research and figure out which provider gives the best value for your personal circumstances.

𝗡𝗼 𝗜’𝗺 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻 𝗨𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗘𝗮𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿. I’ve been researching electric cargo bikes with the intention of taking my kids on school runs and doing other fun stuff. Bikes give you some exercise, take up a lot less space than a car, and are cheaper to run. But they’re not THAT cheap. This one here is a Tern GSD S10. If purchased upfront with a whole bunch of accessories it’s about $9,000. Who has that kind of money for a hobby? I’ve actually been considering something similar at half the price. The Aventon Abound with accessories is about $4,000. I’ve seen the reviews and I reckon it’s just as good if not even better. But there’s one slight problem… it’s not street legal! It has a 750W motor but NSW legislation only allows for 500W / 25kmh motors. And even if you put a speed limiting device on the bike, the power means that it is still breaking the law. [Though I doubt a police officer would ever know your e-bike’s motor output.] Anyway I’ve been agonizing over it. So many options to buy, all of them so overpriced or illegal, that the decision is too hard to make and I end up doing nothing. I’d rather save the money for a family holiday, or leave it in the mortgage offset account. If I did get one, perhaps I’d earn the money back through some deliveries. On a more serious note, I do believe that eBikes will become more common in our TOD precincts when families only have one parking spot and no ability to street park. When I walk around places like Crows Nest I already see bikes everywhere, and it’s going to be similar if we end up with 20,000 new dwellings around four train stations. As Mayor, I’d therefore want to try one out for an extended period and understand the infrastructure implications (similar to how I was the first councillor to get an EV). If you search for ‘electric bike hire’ there’s a few options to get a bike for the short term. One such provider is @[100063454519480:2048:Lug+Carrie] which is currently doing a half price eBike ‘trial’ in Ku-ring-gai so I’ll probably end up with them. But I’d encourage anyone interested to do the research and figure out which provider gives the best value for your personal circumstances.
View in Window

Bunnings BBQ for KYDS

Thanks Bunnings Pymble for inviting KYDS Youth Development Service to run the inaugural sausage sizzle. All proceeds went to supporting young people with mental health services. You can find out more at

Thanks @[114392424590704:274:Bunnings Pymble] for inviting @[100057506479179:2048:KYDS Youth Development Service] to run the inaugural sausage sizzle. All proceeds went to supporting young people with mental health services. You can find out more at
Thanks @[114392424590704:274:Bunnings Pymble] for inviting @[100057506479179:2048:KYDS Youth Development Service] to run the inaugural sausage sizzle. All proceeds went to supporting young people with mental health services. You can find out more at

Meeting the Korean Community

Yesterday we were joined by a group of Korean residents who came to learn about Australia’s three levels of government, Ku-ring-gai’s specific responsbilities and services, as well as the ways they can contribute to Ku-ring-gai’s policies and decision making. Glad to meet so many engaged residents.

Yesterday we were joined by a group of Korean residents who came to learn about Australia's three levels of government, Ku-ring-gai's specific responsbilities and services, as well as the ways they can contribute to Ku-ring-gai's policies and decision making. Glad to meet so many engaged residents.

SILK Dining, St Ives

To celebrate the end of uni, the kids wanted Deep Fried Ice Cream so we went to SILK Dining at St Ives Shopping Village. The food is pretty amazing and generously portioned – much better than what you could get in Chatswood – and it was quite a peaceful experience on an early Monday night.

Bubs was fine with me carrying her again, so that was a bonus.

To celebrate the end of uni, the kids wanted Deep Fried Ice Cream so we went to @[100063619295866:2048:SILK Dining] at @[100063684966751:2048:St Ives Shopping Village]. The food is pretty amazing and generously portioned - much better than what you could get in Chatswood - and it was quite a peaceful experience on an early Monday night.

Bubs was fine with me carrying her again, so that was a bonus.
To celebrate the end of uni, the kids wanted Deep Fried Ice Cream so we went to @[100063619295866:2048:SILK Dining] at @[100063684966751:2048:St Ives Shopping Village]. The food is pretty amazing and generously portioned – much better than what you could get in Chatswood – and it was quite a peaceful experience on an early Monday night. Bubs was fine with me carrying her again, so that was a bonus.

General Manager Recruitment Update

Morning all!

We have had some queries about the General Manager recruitment process so I can say the following.

A. We had the help of an independent, experienced and well-priced external recruitment firm.

B. We had a large number of job applications, including several strong candidates.

C. We had a first round of interviews last month and the final round interview will be later this week. [The candidates are all fantastic and I’d be happy to work with any of them.]

D. After the final interviews, the ten councillors will likely resolve to make an offer to one of the candidates (subject to final negotiations on duration, package, etc.).

E. We probably won’t be able to announce the new General Manager until next week. Please be patient.

The recruitment process has taken up some of my time in recent weeks, but I’ve spent a larger chunk of it on housing policy.

Morning all! We have had some queries about the General Manager recruitment process so I can say the following.

A. We had the help of an independent, experienced and well-priced external recruitment firm.

B. We had a large number of job applications, including several strong candidates.

C. We had a first round of interviews last month and the final round interview will be later this week. [The candidates are all fantastic and I'd be happy to work with any of them.]

D. After the final interviews, the ten councillors will likely resolve to make an offer to one of the candidates (subject to final negotiations on duration, package, etc.).

E. We probably won't be able to announce the new General Manager until next week. Please be patient.

The recruitment process has taken up some of my time in recent weeks, but I've spent a larger chunk of it on housing policy.

Final Uni Assignment

It’s over!

Final assignment handed in for my final course at uni (Development and Planning Law).

In the last few days, our baby has started to cry whenever anyone other than mum picks her up. I know I’ve been away a while, but I need to somehow get her used to me again.

It's over! Final assignment handed in for my final course at uni (Development and Planning Law).

In the last few days, our baby has started to cry whenever anyone other than mum picks her up. I know I've been away a while, but I need to somehow get her used to me again.

Uni Student Interview Requests

This month I’ve had six uni students approach me with interview requests regarding the Transport Oriented Development Program. They are aspiring journalists or legal practitioners, and I wish them all the best with their assignments and future careers. I’ve got an assignment due this Sunday as well, and fortunately it’s on the same topic. There’s a few citizenship and ANZAC ceremonies to attend also, so it will be a busy week.

This month I've had six uni students approach me with interview requests regarding the Transport Oriented Development Program. They are aspiring journalists or legal practitioners, and I wish them all the best with their assignments and future careers.

I've got an assignment due this Sunday as well, and fortunately it's on the same topic. There's a few citizenship and ANZAC ceremonies to attend also, so it will be a busy week.

Another Day of Work (in Canberra)

Another day of work while the kids are having school holiday fun. Enjoying the fresh air though!

The ACT is a really beautiful place and since 2020 their electricity has come from 100% renewable sources. Having said that their ecological footprint was estimated at 9x their land size, in other words, there’s much further to go before they are considered self sustainable.

Another day of work while the kids are having school holiday fun. Enjoying the fresh air though!

The ACT is a really beautiful place and since 2020 their electricity has come from 100% renewable sources. Having said that their ecological footprint was estimated at 9x their land size, in other words, there’s much further to go before they are considered self sustainable.