Last week I learnt that Dick Smith was a former Roseville Chase resident and member of 1st East Roseville Scouts.
During his formative years a Rover Adviser Tony Balthasar created opportunities for Dick and left a real impression, contributing to the person he is today. After Tony’s passing, Dick setup a fund for the Balthasar Award which has given similar opportunities for 27 other Rovers.
We listened to its final recipient, William Wade, as he shared about his cave diving course and expedition to Mexico.
Matt Cross – Member for Davidson also gave a speech of support, and it was a good night all round.
Last week I learnt that @[100064908991835:2048:Dick Smith] was a former Roseville Chase resident and member of 1st East Roseville Scouts.
During his formative years a Rover Adviser Tony Balthasar created opportunities for Dick and left a real impression, contributing to the person he is today. After Tony’s passing, Dick setup a fund for the Balthasar Award which has given similar opportunities for 27 other Rovers.
We listened to its final recipient, William Wade, as he shared about his cave diving course and expedition to Mexico.
@[100087669656114:2048:Matt Cross – Member for Davidson] also gave a speech of support, and it was a good night all round.