Climate Litigation and Personal Responsibility

This week a European Court ruled that the Swiss Government had failed to take enough climate action, thus putting senior citizens at risk of dying during heatwaves.

This sounds hectic but Climate Litigation doesn’t happen in Europe alone.

Last decade a court blocked a coal mine near Newcastle due to climate change impacts not being in the public interest.

More recently, eight children fought against the government and blocked a coal mine extension on the basis of duty of care and climate change impacts.

I know some residents are concerned about the future, but it’s not practical to take everyone to court. So I’ll suggest three easy ways for residents to play their part.

First, most energy retailers provide the option to purchase 100% renewable energy so this is something for you to consider.

Second, many super funds offer an ethical investment option to give you confidence that your money is going towards a good cause. You should speak with a financial advisor if you want to investigate that option.

Finally, meat production is a carbon intensive activity so you should think about how much meat you consume. While I haven’t gone totally vegetarian, I do choose to eat less meat to reduce my personal footprint.

Hope those tips help, and feel free to leave your comments below.

Life as a Councillor