Quick Update

Some residents have noticed that my social media activity has dropped off in recent weeks, and have been asking how I’ve been. Yes I’m ok but have been preoccupied with other priorities – explanation below.

First of all we’re currently dealing with some family medical/health issues and what that means is that it has been far more time consuming for the last few weeks as well as the next few weeks. We are ‘sandwiched’ so to speak, simultaneously caring for the older generation (driving them to medical, providing food, looking after other logistics at home) as well as caring for three kids. It’s very time consuming, and I can see the benefits of council providing residents with the option of multi-generational homes (either a single large home, or dual occupancy).

Secondly, I’ve also been on the search for work. I previously had to quit my dayjob at Origin to serve as Mayor so now I need to find something else to pay the bills and the mortgage. There’s been a few close calls but I haven’t landed that new job yet. And for each opportunity, I need to do proper due diligence to put my best foot forward. If you know anyone who is looking for my skillset, feel free to put me in touch.

In the meanwhile there’s been a few things going on at Ku-ring-gai and when I get the chance I’ll post about them soon.

Apologies if there are some delays to answering your queries. If it’s a simple query, I can quickly attend to or flick it on. But if it’s a very complex matter which involves detailed investigation or a curated response, it’s going to take me longer to get to it. Councillors don’t have dedicated support staff to handle these matters.

Life as a Councillor