Commuter Bike Parking

The government provides bike parking at each train station to encourage people to cycle instead of drive to the train.

On Friday I thought I’d look around the three southern train stations to see how well the uptake has been.

I was surprised to find that Killara was the most popular location, even though it has the least parking spots on offer.

Most of the parking spots are outdoor as well, but even when we provide 5 sheltered spots at Roseville and 10 sheltered spots at Lindfield, uptake has been low.

In Lindfield, residents are more likely to park shopping trolleys than bikes!

With the Transport Oriented Development in the coming years (whatever form it takes), I am sure that bike adoption will increase as people just won’t have space to park their cars at home and will shift to more compact forms of transport. With the increased density, we may also be shifting towards less on-street parking and more bicycle lanes, but the timing of the transition is important… If it is done too early, local businesses are unnecessarily adversely impacted.

Community Facilities