On the agenda for the October 2024 Council Meeting are:
261 Mona Vale Road (GB14) – Whether to reclassify this from community to operational land, a move that may lead to more flexible long term use of the site.
1192 Pacific Highway (GB15) – Whether to reclassify this from community to operational land, a move that may eventually lead to its sale.
Pymble Golf Planning Proposal at 2, 12 and 14 Cowan Road (GB16) – Whether to seek a 10% affordable housing contribution (either monetary or in kind in perpetuity) towards the 78 dwellings being built as part of this development.
Marian Street Theatre (GB17) – An update on the costs of extending the site vs. refurbishing the site.
More information can be found at https://eservices.kmc.nsw.gov.au/Infocouncil.Web/Open/2024/10/OMC_22102024_AGN_AT_WEB.htm
If any of these matters are close to your heart, you have the opportunity to speak to the councillors at our upcoming public forum held Tuesday 15 October at 6pm. https://www.krg.nsw.gov.au/Council/Council-meetings/Council-Meetings-and-Public-Forums