This morning I was excited to check out the new kerb and guttering at Perth Avenue East Lindfield, which residents had been requesting since last decade.
The kerb and guttering was delivered at the cost of $773,500 as part of Council?s $9.1m Road Rehabilitation Program this financial year. Other large projects this year include retaining wall work at Station Street Pymble ($1.5m), Vernon Street South Turramurra ($1.1m), Braeside Street Wahroonga ($1.0m), Iona Avenue West Pymble ($659k), Halcyon Avenue Wahroonga ($655k) and St Johns Avenue Gordon ($564k).
Of course much of this work would have been cheaper to deliver upfront when the suburb was being established rather than retrofit at a later point in time – but this is what happens when infrastructure funding raised does not match what is genuinely required. We will face more of these challenges in the coming years as there has been disinterest from the state in backing up growth with infrastructure and funding.
If you have specific requests for kerb and guttering or footpaths in your part of Ku-ring-gai, feel free to email me at though please recognise that with the limited funding available and the way that rates are constrained, we can only do so much each year and your specific request will be assessed and prioritised as part of an overall waiting list.