Proposal for an Interim IHO

In July 2024 Council resolved to request an interim heritage order for the 23 Heritage Conservation Areas impacted by Transport Oriented Development. It was declared carried with all Councillors in support except for Cr Spencer. I could understand and sympathise with the perspective of both sides of the argument, though on this particular occasion I saw it as a case of using one unusual tool (IHO) to protect against the damaging elements of another unusual tool (TOD). I respect the position taken by each Councillors on this matter.

The Heritage Minister sent us a response yesterday to tell Council that she is not currently considering granting the IHO.

Today I responded to her with a follow-up letter and you can read it all in the images below.

You can also read more about the IHO’s rationale in the media release from 19 July 2024, linked below.

There will be a further housing update next week.

Council Decisions / Policy