At the July 2024 council meeting we resolved to:
🏘️ Identify suitable planning controls for dual occupancies, which are to be introduced by the State Government in Ku-ring-gai on 01 July 2025. [Councils without existing planning controls like minimum lot size have been given a one year to establish controls whereas most councils commenced this month.]
📐 Work towards delivering upon the Planning Minister’s Statement of Expectations for all Local Councils, including the improvement of DA turnaround times and the updating of strategic planning documents to reflect new short term housing targets and State Environmental Planning Policies.
📄 Request an interim heritage order on the 23 heritage conservation areas within our four TOD precincts, until planning for these precincts is finalised early next year. This is an unusual request that has been rightly raised by Council in the context of an even more unusual decision from the State Government with regard to 6-9 storey developments in federal and inter-war heritage conservation areas. In both of my meetings with the Planning Minister there was a clear unwillingness to honestly explain how 22m / FSR 2.5:1 can be achieved in such areas, so we now put the question to the Heritage Minister for consideration.
⚡️🐶 Investigate further updates to Council’s planning controls and net zero initiatives to support growing demand for electrification, other energy efficiency initiatives, and allowing doggy daycares in town centres.
📹 Update the Code of Meeting Practice to support the live-streaming of the Council’s monthly public forum. The updated Code will soon go out to public exhibition for public feedback before council votes on the final document.
🌳 Allocate funding for the annual round of Environmental Levy Grants and Sponsorships.
🙋♀️ Appoint members of the Status of Women’s Advisory Committee.
🎭 Note a report on the potential cost of reviving the Marian Street Theatre with minimum repairs, and asked for further detail on a pathway / timeline to expanding the theatre as per a previous development application (DA0144/20).
There were other items as well, which you can read about in the draft minutes.