NSW Government Short Term Housing Targets

The NSW Government has just released its housing targets for each council to strive for in the coming 5 year period. For Ku-ring-gai it means 7,600 homes in the 5 years to 30 June 2029.


Under the state’s transport oriented and low- and mid-rise housing provisions, Ku-ring-gai can theoretically meet those targets. The supply is theoretically there. But my concern is whether there are enough construction workers to deliver on this theoretical target.

The target is also too short term. QLD has targets through to 2046, which allows councils to properly plan and deliver infrastructure for future generations. We believe that each council should receive a 20-year target to aspire to, and that councils are best placed to determine where the housing densities should go.

If Ku-ring-gai had the opportunity to deliver long term planning, it may result in the protection of heritage conservation areas and urban tree canopy in some places while other parts of each suburb may have greater density that improves the financial viability and timing of housing delivery.

It’s all well and good to offer councils a financial incentive for meeting these housing targets, but the main constraint here isn’t councils but is rather the availability of construction workers.

Council Decisions / Policy