This week over 100 residents registered for our first ever Tree Forum to hear what Ku-ring-gai is doing to protect its trees, ask questions, and contribute their own ideas.
👮Council spoke about its plans to increase tree compliance officer activity supported by a 24/7 hotline. The jobs are currently being advertised for anyone interested.
🌲Council also spoke about the recent introduction of Tree Replacement Orders which require landowners to plant replacement trees for illegal activity, with regular followups and fines for non-compliance. The Tree Replacement Order is tied to the land rather than the owner, so future land owners are also required to follow the order until the tree reaches maturity.
🎄Council covered other initiatives such as our urban forest strategy, tree inventory and planting analysis, community nursery, street tree planting pilot, tree tag project, smart schools and comms.
⚖️Council explained that much of what we can do (nature of investigation, size of fines, effectiveness of court orders) is constrained by State law.
Thanks everyone for your role in this process.
For further information, refer to the video and slide pack.