Earlier this month we received an email from a resident who was concerned about a really ugly electronic advertising sign that council had supposedly approved next to a heritage conservation area.
I went to look and yes, there was an advertising sign but it wasn’t a council approved one. It’s an EV charger installed on Transport for NSW land for the purpose of providing residents with “access to a free fast charging session every 24 hours”. And because it’s transport infrastructure on transport land, it bypasses all council approvals.
I decided to try it out today and learnt the following.
🤣They spent so much time trying to optimise the location of the advertising sign (charging unit) that they didn’t think about the user experience. The parking spot is difficult to get into, plus the cable is so short that it doesn’t reach the rear charging port for vehicles like my MG4 or Tesla Model 3. I hear that the charging provider has realised this issue and will be replacing the cable with a longer one in the coming weeks.
⚡️It’s meant to be free, and when I signed up to the app it says that the first 7kw is free. But when it came to actually trying to charge there was no free option selectable. It’s $0.49/kw and $1/min for idle fee.
I don’t think they will reverse the installation. But once they fix the teething issues, it might be worth considering if you want a mini top-up.