🇺🇸My Aunt and Uncle from🗽New York are in 🦘 Australia for a few months. They enjoyed yesterday’s 🇦🇺 citizenship ceremony and I asked them whether there was anything that surprised them.
As Americans, they found it strange that in Australia we have two versions of the pledge whereas in the USA they are one nation under God 🇺🇸.
They also noticed that in Australia we pay much more respect and give prominence to our indigenous people. In the United States they would not have had someone like Uncle Brendan provide a Welcome to Country followed by a fifteen minute performance and lesson on indigenous culture by the Koomurri Aboriginal Dance Troupe.
In our car trip home we had a discussion about the commonalities and differences of our countries, as well as steps taken towards or against giving people opportunity. It’s always helpful to have an outside view when assessing our own situation.
They also loved the performances from the Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra and the Australian Girls’ Choir.
And they love the three Brush Turkeys 🦃🦃🦃 that frequent my parents’ yard in Roseville.
🇺🇸My Aunt and Uncle from🗽New York are in 🦘 Australia for a few months. They enjoyed yesterday’s 🇦🇺 citizenship ceremony and I asked them whether there was anything that surprised them.
As Americans, they found it strange that in Australia we have two versions of the pledge whereas in the USA they are one nation under God 🇺🇸.
They also noticed that in Australia we pay much more respect and give prominence to our indigenous people. In the United States they would not have had someone like Uncle Brendan provide a Welcome to Country followed by a fifteen minute performance and lesson on indigenous culture by the Koomurri Aboriginal Dance Troupe.
In our car trip home we had a discussion about the commonalities and differences of our countries, as well as steps taken towards or against giving people opportunity. It’s always helpful to have an outside view when assessing our own situation.
They also loved the performances from the @[100063681105802:2048:Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra] and the Australian Girls’ Choir.
And they love the three Brush Turkeys 🦃🦃🦃 that frequent my parents’ yard in Roseville.