Yesterday I was glad to attend the 12th Annual Youth Mental Health Forum. Organised by Ku-ring-gai, Hornsby, Ryde and Hunters Hill Council, the mental health forum is an opportunity for school students and teachers from our four LGAs to brainstorm ideas on how to support our youth through a turbulent time in life, reduce the stigma, provide accessible preventative support.
I was joined by Sarkis Yedelian – Mayor (pictured here), Matt Kean MP and Nathan Tilbury – Councillor at Hornsby Shire Council. We also had a range of providers including headspace , KYDS Youth Development Service , Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney , batyr , Taldumande Youth Services, Mission Australia , NDIS Uniting, Safe Haven NSW and Gamble Aware.
More photos to come.
Yesterday I was glad to attend the 12th Annual Youth Mental Health Forum. Organised by Ku-ring-gai, Hornsby, Ryde and Hunters Hill Council, the mental health forum is an opportunity for school students and teachers from our four LGAs to brainstorm ideas on how to support our youth through a turbulent time in life, reduce the stigma, provide accessible preventative support.
I was joined by Sarkis Yedelian – Mayor (pictured here), @[100058083487619:2048:Matt Kean MP] and @[100063626564368:2048:Nathan Tilbury – Councillor at Hornsby Shire Council]. We also had a range of providers including @[100064255852325:2048:headspace] , @[100057506479179:2048:KYDS Youth Development Service] , @[100064520299383:2048:Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney] , @[100064617432674:2048:batyr] , @[100064600996002:2048:Taldumande Youth Services], @[100069311280553:2048:Mission Australia] , NDIS Uniting, Safe Haven NSW and Gamble Aware.
More photos to come.