The election result was not a surprise. On one hand it’s sad to see an outgoing Liberal government that has done a great job in helping us stay employed during the pandemic and I think an appropriate response is to thank them for their service. On the other hand there wasn’t a clear articulation for the future and inner city residents have for years festered on unaddressed expectations regarding climate change response, diversity in representation and anti-corruption measures.
I’m curious to see what happens now because it’s easy for opposition and independents to promise lofty things but it’s much harder for them to deliver once in power.
I’m also curious to see if there will be any change in attitude or approach towards respecting the views of people who are in the minority. From what I can see we are a society that loves to talk about tolerance and acceptance but when it comes to politics or religion, we are quick to shoot down or outcast those who do not share our same beliefs. I write this knowing that I myself am not a perfect role model in this area, but it’s something that I hope we can all get better at.